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Electrochemical decector DeMon - portable device for autencity checking of coins, jewellery or other goods made from precious metals or alloys.


Device providing nondestructive checking of autencity of coins, jewellery or other goods made from precious metals or alloys by measuring of electro-chemical potential on object surface. 

Device may be used in retail or wholesale points of sale for autencity demonstration or autencity checking of jewellery goods. Also it may be used in banks for autencity checking of coins or bars of precious metals. 

For working with professional device DeMon VILDIS publishes the electro-chemical potentials reference book: part 1 "Precious metals and alloys (gold, silver, platinum, palladium)", part 2 «Nonprecious metals and alloys». Based on this reference book the PC program was developed. 

"DeMon-U" modification specialized for checking of goods made from gold or silver or its alloys. Checking results indicates on display exactly as fineness. Also developed modification of device with indication in carats. 

DeMon device may be reprogrammed for working with any other metals or alloys by user request. 

  Демон-Ю показывает пробу


DeMon-U indicates a gold fineness

Technical data

Power source - AC mains 220V/50Hz with AC/DC adapter; E-size 9V battery
Power - less than 4W.


Dimensions - main unit — 145х120х40 mm, probe — diameter - 18mm, length - 145 mm





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  Ltd. "VILDIS" 105187, Moscow Volnaya str. 35
Tel / Fax +7 (495) 775-5055